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UBITECH drives the design and development activities of TERMINET’s SDN-enabled vMEC platform, which are organized under the scope of WP3, where UBITECH acts as leader. UBITECH’s key role in TERMINET is to turn the TERMINET architecture (WP2) into a real system that will be accommodating the diverse requirements of six (6) TERMINET uses cases, four (4) open call use cases, and beyond. UBITECH has been a key partner behind the conception and realization of the TERMINET Minimum Platform Profile (MPP), which decouples the TERMINET core platform from other auxiliary TERMINET services or overlay applications around TERMINET, thus offering a practical and efficient way of deploying TERMINET, with open and explicit interfaces towards the TERMINET stakeholders. Part of the TERMINET MPP is UBITECH’s Vertical Application Orchestrator (VAO) and SDN-enabled container network interface, both of which enable seamless onboarding and lifecycle management of TERMINET applications atop distributed SDN dataplanes across edge and core domains.

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