- Contribution to time-sensitive communication in virtualized environments based on KuberneTSN: containerized TSN scheduler for Kubernetes Overlay Networks: https://com/MMw-Unibo/KuberneTSN
- Contribution to Kubernetes Network Plumbing Working Group. Multus CNI: https://com/k8snetworkplumbingwg/multus-cni
- Releasing the IIoT-MDW (middle-ware) enabling the open-source community to interact with the TERMINET IIoT-DI: https://com/futureintelligence/terminet-iiot-di-middleware
- Release of an Orchestration of Intelligent UAVs Swarm in the premise of UC1: https://github.com/wcipAUTH/UAV-orchestrator
- Releasing a QR-scanner-for-AR-Application in the premise of UC6: https://com/Eight-Bells-Ltd/QR-scanner-for-AR-Application
- Adoption of emerging SDN technology: Α RINA library (RINAsense) implementation for FreeRTOS: https://github.com/Fundacio-i2CAT/rinasense
- Contribution to SDN-enabled container network interfaces (CNIs) in cloud environments. Based on the open-source project Kube-OVN: https://github.com/kubeovn/kube-ovn
- Contribution to application onboarding and placement, as well as application lifecycle management based on TMForum, “Introduction to Open APIs”, Available: https://tmforum.org/oda/about-open-apis
- Contribution to SDN control plane and data plane interfaces for managing OpenFlow-based networks accommodating IoT traffic